Monthly Archives: December 2013

Grandmere’s Pecan Fingers

Mary reporting. It’s time to begin baking holiday cookies. I’ve never had too much success with iced sugar cookies shaped like trees, bells or snowflakes. Too thick, too thin or burned on the bottom is the usual result in my kitchen. Grandmere’s Butter-Pecan Fingers are my favorite cookie to bake and eat this time of […]

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Ursula LeCoeur

Field Trip: Old Absinthe House

Helen reporting. Modern readers think of absinthe as the nectar of poets and artists. Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde and Charles Baudelaire were among the many luminaries said to enjoy the green fairy in copious amounts. Even today, rumors abound about absinthe’s hallucinogenic properties, partly because these artists experienced high levels of creativity, delirium, epileptic-like […]

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